— Kann nicht mehr besucht werden —
- Performance + artist talk
- surrogacy
- Greg Wohead
- missing
Di., 13.03.2018, 20:00
Artist talk following 'Celebration, Florida'
This is a show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Greg Wohead will speak to you through two performers using pre-recorded audio and headphones. The performers will know almost nothing about the show and they will meet for the first time when they walk on stage. After the show Daniel Brunet invites the audiences to discuss about the performance that orbits around ideas of surrogacy.
- 1“A work of great sensitivity written with enviable grace and poise”, Simon Bowes, After the Lights Fade.
- 2 Daniel Brunet, Produzierende künstlerischer Leiter, English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center
- 3 Marie Golüke, Performerin, Theatermacherin, Theaterscout
Celebration, Florida is a town located right next to Disney World and was originally developed by Disney as a sort of idealistic, controlled, manicured, shiny version of what the perfect town should be. It is an actual town, but at the same time a simulation of a town. What does this town mean to Greg Wohead? What happens when we miss a person, place or time? What does the performance tell about the human connection?
You can now reserve tickets (9/15€) including free admission to the introduction directly through Theater Scoutings! (up to 1 day before the performance)
Just send an email with the desired number of tickets to reservierung(at)theaterscoutings-berlin.de.
You are also certainly welcome to simply come by on the day of the performance, but we are unable to guarantee that tickets will be available.
8:00 pm – Performance
after the show - Artist Talk
Questions? The persons with pink Theaterscoutings-badges are here to help you.
Karten-Online: Karten online bestellen
Karten per E-Mail: tickets(at)etberlin.de
Di., 13.03.2018, 20:00
About the Venue
English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center
English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center is the German capital’s only producing and presenting organization in the Hauptstadt expressly dedicated to English, the 21st century lingua franca, as the working language. Our year-round programming comprises the Producing Series – Made in Berlin, the Presenting Series, as well as our Performing Series and Pedagogy Series. We are a proud member of Berlin’s freie Szene, the independent performing arts community, and are currently developing platforms to share our work within Germany and abroad. We consciously use theater and performance as living, discursive forms to bring artists and audiences into conversation with each other about our shared city and the greater world we live in.
About the performance
Celebration, Florida
Veering between reality and simulation, Celebration, Florida orbits around ideas of surrogacy; a stand-in to replace a person you miss, a re-creation of an experience you can’t stop thinking about, nostalgia for a place that never existed. This is a show for anyone who has ever missed anyone or anything. Greg will speak to you through two performers using pre-recorded audio and headphones. The performers will know almost nothing about the show before they walk on stage.
About the artist
Greg Wohead
Greg Wohead is a writer, performer and live artist originally from Texas and now working in London. He makes theatre performances, one-to-one pieces and audio works. His work has been seen at theatres and festivals in the UK, US and Europe including Battersea Arts Centre, London (UK), Bristol Old Vic (UK), Mayfest, Bristol (UK), Northern Stage, Newcastle (UK), Forest Fringe, Edinburgh (UK), Bios, Athens (Greece), Brighton Festival (UK), Fusebox Festival , Austin (USA) and ArtPower, San Diego (USA). He’s an Associate Artist at The Yard and Shoreditch Town Hall in London.