— Kann nicht mehr besucht werden —
- Dance performance + meet the artist
- smartphone
- virtual life
- physical life
Do., 08.03.2018, 20:00
Artist talk following 'Love you... not forever!'
A young man explores the world of love through his smartphone and the boundaries of how bodily expressions are articulated and exposed in virtual reproduction. How smartphones have changed our lives? Meet members of the dance company Granhøj Dans and join the discussion after the show. (The performance will be in Danish with English surtitles)
- 1Maybe this young man is getting more and more far away from reality . . . .? Foto © photomania
- 2 Jens Heuwinkel, Freier Regisseur, Mitglied der künstlerischen Leitung des 24h Theaters Berlin
The performance explores the smartphone’s infiltration of all aspects of our lives highlighting the relationships between the private, intimate and public spheres which all glide into each other. The internationally acknowledged dance company Granhøj Dans invites the audience members to an artist talk after the show.
You can now reserve tickets (12/8€) including free admission to the introduction directly through Theater Scoutings! (up to 1 day before the performance)
Just send an email with the desired number of tickets to reservierung(at)theaterscoutings-berlin.de.
You are also certainly welcome to simply come by on the day of the performance, but we are unable to guarantee that tickets will be available.
8:00 pm – Performance
after the show - Artist Talk
Questions? The persons with pink Theaterscoutings-badges are here to help you.
Do., 08.03.2018, 20:00
About the venue
Ehemaliges Stummfilmkino Delphi/Berlin
The former silent film theater Delphi is an originally preserved silent film theater from the 1920’s. After resting like a hidden jewel for over 50 years, it is now being reawakened as an international center for arts and culture; housing diverse events: theater, dance, opera, concerts, performances, forums, exhibitions, and many hybrid projects. As a production and performance space it offers a unique and extraordinary setting, with wonderful acoustics and stunning aesthetics, inviting artists to reimagine their ideas, or even serve as a muse for new concepts. Exceptional projects which think “outside the (black)box” are at home with us. The theater also pays homage to the artistic visionaries of the past with events which honour the cultural history of Berlin, especially the German Silent Film era, which the Delphi was once a part of. The ghosts of the avantgarde are being awakened again in the former Delphi cinema.
About the show
Love you... not forever!
Through the camera of his smartphone a young man observes four dancers involved in a love drama. These images and videos are projected live during the performance. The physical life is set in contrast to the smartphones’ production of virtual life. The audiences’ involvement will therefore alternate between their experience of what happens in the drama between the four dancers, and the young observer’s experience of the same.The man chooses a non-binding reproduction of bodily expressions and love over so called reality. He lives his life through his smartphone’s production of virtual life – a simulated life – using the smartphone for self- affirmation to create the identity and reality that he wants to be associated with. For some this identity would be the perfect twosomeness or lonley threesomeness……. can it end in loneliness for him?
About the company
Granhøj Dans
Granhøj Dans is an internationally acknowledged dance company that has it's base in Denmark. The productions of Granhøj Dans are created by the company's artistic director and choreographer Palle Granhøj, in close co-operation with the dancers. The starting point of every production is the Obstruction Technique developed by Palle Granhøj, and which has made possible the creation of about 25 original works the last 25 years. Based on the above named working method, the choreographer reshapes the movements of the performers by means of hindering actions, revealing inner layers of their personality in the process, thus turning the spotlight on human condition. Rather than showing dancers and choreographies on stage, Palle Granhøj wants to present men and women as they are: genuine, alive - and complex.