— Kann nicht mehr besucht werden —
- Performance + Artist Talk
- multilingual
- migration
- singleness
- English
- Turkish
- German
- Berlin
Mo., 04.07.2016, 20:00
Artist Talk following 'Unser täglich Halwa'
A performance about imagining other possibilities of a self and a daily life marked by migration, singleness, precarity and individualism in Berlin. After the performance, the audience is invited to stay for an artist talk.
“How to make a world in which many worlds will fit?” It has been known that one is multiple. In the discussion, we will try to displace this question into the theatre as a whole, from production to performance, and investigate, “how to make a performance in which many performances fit?” And we will ask: how to make art collectively in this way, where each body has a singular language?
Free admission (donations welcome) including free entrance to the discussion directly through Theater Scoutings! For better coordination, please send an email with the desired number of tickets to reservierung(at)theaterscoutings-berlin.de .
8:00 pm – Performance
After the performance – Artist Talk
Questions? The people with pink Theater Scoutings badges are here to help you.
Karten per E-Mail: karten(at)brotfabrik-berlin.de
Mo., 04.07.2016, 20:00
About the venue:
Brotfabrik Bühne
The Brotfabrik Bühne is an independent venue for touring shows and co-productions from Berlin's independent scene as well as national and international groups. The programme, comprising around 300 performances a year, evidence a diverse range of forms and genres, from plays, performance, dance and musical theatre to improvisation, puppet and object theatre. Young artists and groups regularly perform in the 40-80 seat auditorium alongside established theatre makers. Another focus of the programme is the productions for children. (source: www.berlin-buehnen.de/en/theatres/brotfabrik/)
About the performance:
'Unser täglich Halwa'
As a promise challenged by the reality of everyday life, Berlin still keeps its reputation as a place of self-discovery and of confrontation with the gaze of the other. Between the people whose “hereness” is always accompanied by a “thereness”, there exists a blurry connection. In a collective writing and directing process, personas have emerged out of autobiographical elements and researches, embodying individual characters with specific features, but also representing a superordinate category, which the individual can be – actually or apparently – assigned to. As different as these personas might be, they have something in common: their lives are marked by migration and singleness, a precarious existence and the ills of individualism.
About the Collective:
JA Collective
Our own situation as artists, activists and researchers from Turkey, Iran, Germany, Russia and Sweden (amongst others) is closely related to this performance project. Some years ago in a café at Taksim square in Istanbul, some of us decided to move to Berlin and to start a theatre collective. Some of the companions who joined us in Berlin lingered at the doorstep, watching for a while and disappearing thereafter. Others stayed and we became friends. All of them have contributed to the performance "Unser täglich Halwa", which is the first time for JA Collective to present the outcome of the project on stage.