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- Improvisation Theater + Introduction
- Spontaneous
- Storytelling
- Secrets
Do., 03.12.2015, 20:30
Introduction to IMPRO EMBASSY – Behind your back
Famous storyteller Lee White (CAN) meets Die Gorillas to seek for the dark spots in life. They go on a very personal treasure hunt to discover hilarious and unexpected news of your best known people. They will give an introduction to improvisation theater before the show.
- 1Everyone has their own hidden memories and untold stories.© Iris Janke
- 2 Mathieu Pelletier, Schauspieler
The artists will give an introduction to improvisation theater: how are the various forms created? How is improvisation in a foreign language? How much personal does an improvisation show contain? How is the collaboration with artists from other countries?
You can reserve tickets (10/13/16€) including free admission to the introduction directly through Theater Scoutings! (up to 1 day before the performance) Just send an email and the desired number of tickets to reservierung(at)theaterscoutings-berlin.de.
You are also certainly welcome to simply come by on the day of the performance, but we are unable to guarantee that tickets will be available.
8:30 pm – Introduction
9:00 pm – Performance
Questions? The persons with pink Theaterscoutings-badges are here to help you.
Karten per E-Mail: ratibortheater(at)t-online.de
Do., 03.12.2015, 20:30
About the venue:
Ratibor Theater
For nearly 40 years, there is a small backyard theatre "Ratibor Theater" in Kreuzberg - one of the oldest still existing Off-theaters from the 70's in Berlin. After a time of street theatre, experimental and political theatre, various theatre initiatives, play developing, hosting guest-shows and much more the impro-group "Die Gorillas" started in 1997 to perform their weekly shows at the Ratibor. With their shows and the annual festival for improvisational theater -- IMPRO -- the theater became a well known meeting point for improv artists from around the world. From October 2014 the Ratibor invites on select Thursdays some of the most renowned and respected improv actors from all over the world to create stories spontaneously and in any artistic improvised way as a solo show or mixed with other improvisers.
About the piece:
IMPRO EMBASSY – Behind your back
Do you smell it? It smells of secrecy... Famous storyteller Lee White of CRUMBS (Canada) meets local heroes Barbara Klehr and Robert Munzinger from Die Gorillas to seek for the dark spots in life. Everyone has their own hidden memories and untold stories. What concealed truths do you not know about your partner, friends and family? This show is a very personal treasure hunt that will discover hilarious, unexpected and sometimes emotional news of your “best“ known people.
About the artists:
"Die Gorillas"
"Die Gorillas" sind Berlins bekanntestes Improtheater. Mit vier wöchentlichen Spielterminen in Berlin sowie auf diversen Gastspielen im In- und Ausland begeistern sie seit 1997 ihr Publikum. Sie zeigen Improvisationstheater als moderne, interaktive und tagesaktuelle Theaterform, die ihre Kraft und Faszination aus der Unmittelbarkeit ihres Entstehens zieht. Seit 2001 veranstalten »Die Gorillas« zudem jährlich ein internationales Festival, bei dem die weltweite Entwicklung des Genres dem begeisterten Berlin Publikum präsentiert wird. Jeweils in den letzten Märzwochentreffen ca. 25 Improvisationskünstler aus aller Welt aufeinander, um gemeinsam mit ihren Gastgebern zu improvisieren.