— Kann nicht mehr besucht werden —
- Performance + Talk
- Israel
- Germany
- Third Generation
- Memories
Do., 15.10.2015, 20:00
Post-Performance Discussion after‚White Shadow’
An Israeli director and actor and a German actress, both of the third generation after World War II, are revealing in their personal stories a collective shadow that still remains – how? This can be discussed with them after the show.
- 1“In its deepest visual sense, a shadow is like an ancient lizard tail that a man has kept carrying on with since the dawn of evolution.” (C. G. Jung)
- 2 Itay Ganot, Israeli director and actor
- 3 Esther Vorwerk, German actress
- 4 Nathalie Frank, Modulleitung Theaterscoutings
What are our shadows made of? How can we achieve a level of consciousness that will give us the key to unlock the chains of our past? Who are we without our memories? Those questions are asked with this show by Israeli director and actor Itay Ganot and German actress Esther Vorwerk: They will be pleased to discuss the topic further with the audience after the performance.
You can reserve tickets (12/18 €) including free admission to the post-performance discussion directly through Theater Scoutings! (up to 1 day before the performance) Just send an email and the desired number of tickets to reservierung(at)theaterscoutings-berlin.de.
You are also certainly welcome to simply come by on the day of the performance, but we are unable to guarantee that tickets will be available.
8:00 pm – Performance
after the show - Discussion
Questions? The people with pink Theaterscoutings-badges are here to help you.
Karten per E-Mail: karten(at)heimathafen-neukoelln.de
Do., 15.10.2015, 20:00
About the Venue:
Heimathafen Neukölln
With the motto WE ARE VOLKSTHEATER!, Heimathafen Neukölln has catapulted Volkstheater into the modern era: provocative, controversial, and full of life. In 2007, Heimathafen Neukölln hoisted its flag for the first time in an empty corner pub on Richardstraße. In 2008, the Alte Post on Karl-Marx-Straße was its temporary home, and in April 2009, the beautiful Rixdorf ballroom became its permanent location.
Easy, direct, and accessible to everyone: Heimathafen in Neukölln has been representing new Volkstheater from Berlin since 2009. With a diverse programme of plays, musical theatre, concerts, readings, and new show formats, the Heimathafen has given the multi-layered Neukölln district a new atmosphere – characterised by a crossover of styles, genres, and cultures.
(Quote: visitberlin.de)
About the piece:
WHITE SHADOW - A Ritual Encouter
“In its deepest visual sense, a shadow is like an ancient lizard tail that a man has kept carrying on with since the dawn of evolution.” (C. G. Jung)
What are our shadows made of? How can we achieve a level of consciousness that will give us a key to unlock the chains of our past? Who are we without our memories? A Ritual starts where we cannot find satisfying answers.Israeli director and actor Itay Ganot and German actress Esther Vorwerk, both of the third generation after World War II, are revealing in their personal stories a collective shadow that still remains. Together they are creating a ritual for turning the circle of the endless human conflicts into a true encounter.
About the artists:
Itay Ganot and Esther Vorwerk
Der israelische Regisseur Itay Ganot gehört der so genannten dritten Generation an. Seine Großeltern mütterlicherseits konnten vor den Nazis fliehen - der Rest der Familie wurde in Auschwitz ermordet. Der Großvater von Esther Vorwerk war Hitlers Leibwächter. Gemeinsam haben die beiden ein Theaterstück entwickelt: WHITE SHADOW.